Ahiru Engine is a game engine developed as part of the Bachelor’s Degree in Video Game Design and Development at CITM UPC in Terrassa.
- Drag & Drop FBX 3D Models
- Camera Controls
- Editor with Inspector, Hierarchy, and Console tabs
- Model component info: Transform, Texture, and Mesh
- Engine diagnostics: FPS, memory consumption, and software version details
- Main Menu with several options: GitHub repository, engine info (About), and a Quit option
We are building the engine entirely from scratch using C++ and integrating a variety of powerful libraries, including:
- SDL2 (for windowing and input handling)
- OpenGL (for rendering)
- ImGUI (for the graphical user interface)
- DevIL (for image loading and processing)
- Assimp (for model importing)
- GLM (for mathematical operations)
- GLEW (for managing OpenGL extensions)
The project provides hands-on experience in engine development, allowing us to deeply understand the inner workings of game engines and their core functionalities.